Sunday, May 5, 2013

Thai chicken and coconut milk soup

It's been a busy few weeks since I last posted, helped along by the really lovely weather we've been having in the Tdot lately. A fair amount of last minute stuff happened surrounding the PHSC Image Show last Sunday, and the show itself went quite well. Since then I've finally had a bit of time to myself to actually plan out and make some of my own meals again. My local Loblaws has been taunting me lately with some lemongrass stalks, and I finally decided to take to the plunge and actually make something with them. I'm sure why I put it off for so long, although it probably had a bit to do with the fact I was always reading varying ways of how to treat it properly when using for cooking.

Thai Chicken and Coconut Milk Soup
Got to love Canadian Living!

-1 cup of Jasmine or white rice (I'd argue that this optional, it worked with or without the rice),
-900ml of chicken broth,
-1 stalk of lemongrass, halved crosswise and then again lengthwise,
-6 slices of fresh ginger, about 1/2 inch thick,
-1 lb of boneless, skinless chicken breasts that have been freshly sliced,,
-1 & 1/2 cups of thinly sliced button mushrooms,
-1 cup of frozen peas (another optional, I put about 1/2 cup instead),
-2 tbsp of fish sauce,
-1 tbsp packed brown sugar,
-1 tsp red curry paste,
-1 can (400ml) of coconut milk,
-1/3 cup of chopped fresh cilantro (again, another optional ingredient as far as I'm concerned), and
-2 tbsp lime juice.

Cook rice according to package directions, or according to your rice cooker.

Meanwhile, in large pot, bring broth, lemongrass and ginger to a boil over a medium-high heat. Stir in chicken, mushrooms and peas. Cook over medium-low heat until chicken is no longer pink, about 4 minutes.
Mmmmm... chicken and mushrooms...

In a small bowl, whisk together the fish sauce, brown sugar and red curry paste. Stir into the pot along with the coconut milk. Simmer until hot and fragrant, for about 3 minutes. Discard the lemongrass and ginger.
Sauce bits

cococunt milk's in to almost finish it off

Stir in cilantro and lime juice, and serve over rice.
And another tasty meal by the computer keyboard!

This was an excellent dinner, and as I said, it worked with or without the rice. It did make quite a lot, but it kept pretty well in the fridge for about a week. You do need to mix up the soup before re-serving and heating.

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